Freezing your breastmilk is super important in your motherhood and pumping journey. But here’s the catch: while freezing your breastmilk can be a breeze, thawing frozen breast milk can be a bit of a challenge. If you’re anything like me, you want to make sure that you’re making the most of all of your liquid […]
Pumping breast milk is one of the most rewarding, and sometimes exhausting, experiences for any parent. It truly is a labor of love, and that liquid gold you express is full of antibodies, nutrients, and care that can keep your baby nourished. The only bad part? Even liquid gold has an expiration date! Whether you’re […]
Ah, the classic dilemma. You’re a new mom, navigating the whirlwind that is late-night feedings, diaper changes, and an overwhelming amount of advice on how YOU should be caring for your little one and then, there’s the milk supply worry too! If your supply is a little on the low side, don’t worry. You’re not […]
Are your breasts literally overflowing with milk? I’m sharing with you the truth about oversupply and bust some myths about the ol’ busts. Keep reading!
Here are the things you can do to prepare before pumping at work so you’ll feel less anxious about when, where, and how you’ll pump in the midst of your job responsibilities.
You’re not the only mom feeling confused about how to establish, increase, and protect her supply. Learn about the foundations of milk supply and the three secrets you should know.
Take my free quiz to learn the best pump for your needs. Whether you’re looking to buy your first pump or a secondary one for when you’re out and about - I’ll point you in the direction of the best pump on the market for you (and share some sweet deals).