Here are step by step directions for the absolute best way to freeze your breastmilk no matter how many oz you are storing!
Your flange size is one of the most important parts of your pumping journey - and it is not one size fits all. Grab your free flange ruler and measure along with me above. Prior to measuring you will want to pump for 10 minutes, and each nipple may be its own size.
The Pitcher Method is just the act of pooling all your milk together after each pumping session and storing in the fridge. Then, when it’s time to make bottles, you pour directly from that pitcher, and put it back in the fridge when you’ve finished.
I’m answering all of your most-Googled pump questions in the One With The Pump Blog.
Take my free quiz to learn the best pump for your needs. Whether you’re looking to buy your first pump or a secondary one for when you’re out and about - I’ll point you in the direction of the best pump on the market for you (and share some sweet deals).
Need a thought provoking and high-energy keynote speaker for your next event? Or a partner to help you promote your newest “must-have” product for moms? You’ve come to the right place.
Get expert guidance and support from my team of certified IBCLCs and CLCs who will meet with you to address your unique needs, fit you for the right size flange and offer continued chat support after your session.
Pump with confidence from start to finish with our suite of pumping resources. From live workshops, to comprehensive courses to group classes you’ll be equipped with the information and support needed to rock your pumping journey.