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Virtual Training

Work Your Pump Like a Pro

Learn the fool-proof method for making the most milk, in the shortest amount of time, with any pump.
Increase your supply
Eliminate pain
Make more milk in less time

There's more to using your pump than just turning it on and letting it run.

But who has time to read the user’s manual when you are freshly postpartum and dealing with a hungry baby?!?

If you want to stop spending all day, every day, randomly pressing buttons on your pump and hoping you might crack the pumping code - this training is for you.

Wave bye-bye to pump induced pain, confusion, frustration, and hello to finally understanding how to use your pump.
Take the mystery out of using your pump
This training will teach you:
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How to get your milk flowing and the definition of a let-down
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The phases of a pumping session and how long to spend in each one
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What the buttons on your pump mean and when to use them
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How long you should be pumping based on your goals
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What steps to follow to make the most milk in the least amount of time
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Plus specific methods for under and over suppliers

What else is inside the mini-course?


PLUS you will also get:

🍼 The Replacement Parts Guide: Stay on track with the parts you'll need to order every three months to keep your pump working effectively.

🍼 The Bottle Connectors Guide: Figure out the best bottle and bottle connector for your specific pump.

🍼 The Cleaning Your Parts Guide: Learn how to clean your pump like a pro so it's safe and hygenic to use.

🍼 How to Hack Your Pump Guide: Includes links to all of my recommended parts for your specific pump that you should stock up on

This training is for you if-

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Your pump is still sitting in the box it came in (no shame-this is a safe space)
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You're using your pump, but you have zero clue if you're doing it "right"
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Pumping feels pinchy, painful, and all-around problematic
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You'd like to feel more confident using your pump
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Nobody ever stopped to show you how to use your pump (or they did, and did it badly)
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You're spending more than 35 minutes per pumping session
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You'd like to make more milk, in less time

Learn proven methods. Get real results.

Maximize milk flow and eliminate nipple damage when you know how to choose the right cycle speed and vacuum strength.
Navigate the phases of a pumping session with your eyes closed by pressing the right buttons, in the right order, at the right time.
Feel confident sitting down to pump when you know which pumping method is best for your supply type.
These moms are pumped.
You can be, too!

Ready to stop guessing
and start expressing?

Here's how:
1. Buy the Training.
For just $19, you'll receive lifetime access to a video training that will help you pump more efficiently and effectively.
2. Watch the Videos.
Learn how your pump works and follow the steps to maximize each pumping session.
3. Rock your Pump.
You might just find yourself pumping your fist while you're pumping your breasts.

Common Questions

Don't see your question here? Send us an email.

Unlock the secret to becoming one with your pump

Prevent Food Allergies in Your Babe
For pregnancy and parents of babies up to 4 months
Virtual Consultations
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