One with the Pump is committed to working moms. Here’s all you need to help support your pumping moms return to work.
You’ve already done your part to be in compliance with the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act (“PUMP Act”) but you want to do more to make this transition back to the office as easy as possible.
A pumping space and extra fridge space are amazing but here’s what your moms really need:
Help her learn how to create a pumping schedule and building a stash, we can help alleviate any pumping specific stress she may have - on top of already returning to work.
Help her learn how to get the most milk (and completely empty) as efficiently as possible. Not only do you get your employee back to work, quicker, but she’s more comfortable throughout the day.
Help her learn the best products and methods for safely storing breast milk at the office so she can safely feed baby when she gets home - without worrying that Jerry from accounting mistakes it as coffee creamer.
By enrolling her in The Ultimate Pumping Course you can give her the gift of learning how to pump better, more efficiently and more effectively. This course contains the pumping information she will need from prenatal prep to weaning - and everything in between.
The result?
She’s prepared to return to the supportive workplace you’re creating, sooner.
Click below to submit a request to our customer support team. We will send over a custom invoice for you to complete your registration.
Receive a list of one-time activation codes to provide to your expectant and pumping moms to sign up.
Now that you’ve committed your organization to supporting your pumping moms, it’s time to get back to work.
We offer a 10% off discount for groups of 20+ new users.
We’re here to help! Email our team at
What if we have other questions?
Save them for the future! They never expire.
What if we don’t use all of our user accounts?
Yes! Click here to submit a request for Tamari to facilitate an in-person training or workshop for your organization.
Do you all host in-person trainings or workshops?
Just repeat the registration process by emailing our team at and we will send you a new invoice.
What if we need more user accounts in the future?
Curious about something? We're here to help! Here are the top questions we often receive from our corporate licensing community members.
Help them learn how to pump better so they can get back to work.