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7 Things I Wish I Knew As A First Time Mom About Pumping

Becoming a mom is an incredible journey filled with joy, excitement, and those unforgettable baby snuggles. But let’s be real it’s also a huge learning curve. From figuring out the best way to feed your little one to mastering the art of the 2 a.m. diaper change, there’s so much to navigate. And guess what? […]

Becoming a mom is an incredible journey filled with joy, excitement, and those unforgettable baby snuggles. But let’s be real it’s also a huge learning curve. From figuring out the best way to feed your little one to mastering the art of the 2 a.m. diaper change, there’s so much to navigate. And guess what? It’s okay not to have all the answers right away.

Motherhood often looks picture-perfect on social media, but the reality is different for everyone. It’s a mix of highs and lows, and even the most experienced moms will tell you they’ve had their share of “What now?” moments. You’re not alone, and you’re doing better than you think.

One of the biggest things I’ve learned? Don’t hesitate to lean on advice from other moms who’ve been there. Whether it’s finding tips to make pumping more manageable, learning how to balance motherhood with self-care, or just discovering what works for you, those shared experiences can make all the difference.

So today, I’m sharing a few things I wish I’d known as a first-time mom supportive tips and tricks to help you feel confident, prepared, and reminded that you’ve got this. Let’s dive in!

7 Things I Wish I Knew As A First Time Mom About Pumping

Finding the right equipment makes a difference.

When I first became a mom, I had no idea just how much the right equipment would impact my experience. I naively thought I could just wing it, but little did I know, things like the right nursing bras, breast pumps, and baby gear would make a world of difference. Especially when you’re juggling late-night feeds, pumping sessions, and trying to survive on very little sleep.

As someone who pumped, I quickly realized that the right pump wasn’t a luxury, it was a necessity. Whether you’re exclusively pumping or juggling a bit of both, finding a pump that suits your body, your routine, and your needs can make a huge difference to your success. A Free Pump Matching Quiz has been created because no one should endure the discomfort of trying pump after pump. The hard work has already been done, making it easy to find the best one for you.

I also have a few printable/easy-to-download sheets that can help new mama’s, including my milk storage guidelines cheat sheet, baby feeding log. I also have a list of baby must-haves and exclusive pumping must-haves to make your life easier during this turbulent time.

Pumping is a skill, not a natural instinct.

Pumping isn’t something that comes naturally–and that’s okay. It takes time to learn the best techniques and rhythms to be efficient and comfortable. And it also takes finding the right pump!

When I first started pumping, I thought I’d immediately know how to do it perfectly. But there’s a learning curve when it comes to figuring out the right pump settings, finding the most comfortable position, finding the right flange, managing the milk flow, learning the truth about oversupply or undersupply, and so much more! And it’s ALL totally normal!

Had I known that pumping required practice, I wouldn’t have felt so discouraged in the early days. I definitely could’ve saved myself from a lot of frustration, avoided sore nipples, and reduced slow milk flow with my technique. If this sounds like you, a virtual pumping consultation can be a serious game changer. You can meet with one of our certified lactation professionals for personalized support on your pumping journey, so you don’t have to have the same experience I did.

Pumping can be tough to start, so build a routine.

When you’re new to pumping, it can feel like a constant cycle of pumping, storing, and cleaning. I seriously didn’t realize how important it was to set a regular pumping routine to avoid burnout. I thought I could pump wherever, whenever, but I quickly realized that if I didn’t stick to a schedule, my milk supply would fluctuate a lot.

Having a regular routine helped my body adjust, and it also made the whole process feel less chaotic. I would have also saved SO MUCH time if I’d established a routine for cleaning pump parts after each session instead of letting them pile up and feeling overwhelmed later. I found that a sterilizer (Discount MOWTP10D) really helped me here!

Nursing doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Nursing really doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You don’t have to exclusively pump, formula feed, or breastfeed. If you can, you can combine them, opt for the most suitable options, or just go for one. In the early days, as a new mama, you may feel a lot of pressure to provide one option more than others. If I’d known that a mixed feeding plan could be so helpful, I definitely wouldn’t have felt so defeated on days when pumping didn’t go as planned.

things i wish i knew as a first time mom about pumping

Your milk supply may not reflect your effort.

I so badly wish that someone had told me that the amount of milk I could pump doesn’t necessarily reflect how much milk I was producing overall. It was just a tiny snapshot in time. At first, I was totally obsessed with how much milk I could pump and found myself comparing it to others’ output. But the reality is, milk production is influenced by so many factors!

I just wish I’d focused more on trusting my body, because I would’ve felt way more confident about my milk supply. The pressure to pump a specific amount can be mentally exhausting, and it would’ve helped a lot to let go of that expectation earlier on. I found that positive affirmations really helped me find my peace at this point in time.

Don’t forget to take care of your nipples.

Pumping can be tough on your nipples especially in the beginning. I learned that proper care and protection are crucial to keep you comfortable. Between the suction and friction, my nipples quickly became sore and cracked. I could’ve avoided this by using a high-quality nipple balm, adjusting the suction settings, and making sure the flange was the correct size for my body.

Self-care is a necessity, not a luxury.

As mama’s, we tend to put everyone else’s needs first, but that can leave us feeling depleted. I wish I’d known from the start how important it is to carve out time for yourself, whether it means taking a walk, reading a book, hanging out with mom friends, or just having a hot shower. Taking care of your physical and mental health isn’t selfish. It’s essential to being the best mama you can be this is one piece of advice I wish every first time mom knew!

How To Prepare For Motherhood

Educate yourself, but don’t overwhelm yourself.

Before your bundle of joy comes, it’s super helpful to educate yourself about pregnancy, childbirth, coming home from the hospital, and newborn care. I highly recommend the information you need that will help you be successful. The Ultimate Pumping Course will give you what you need to get started on the right foot.

Getting familiar with topics like nursing (this includes pumping and breastfeeding), baby milestones, labor stages, and even baby sleep cycles can really help. But make sure not to overwhelm yourself. No one expects you to know everything, but a little knowledge can be great for boosting your confidence. I also took this sleep course (Discount ONEWITHTHEPUMP) and it helped me understand sleep schedules from day 1!

Set up a support system before the baby arrives.

Motherhood takes a village. Build a support network of family, friends, and professionals (including the professionals here at One With The Pump) who can offer advice, share experiences, and lend a helping hand when needed. And, NEVER be afraid to ask for help!

how to prepare for motherhood
Get comfortable with flexibility.

Motherhood has a really funny way of throwing curveballs, so learning to embrace flexibility is key. Whether it’s your birth plan, your feeding plan, your daily routine, or how you handle a fussy baby, things rarely go as planned. The more adaptable you are, the more you’ll enjoy the ride.

Plan for the postpartum period.

The postpartum phase is just as important as pregnancy itself, so it’s important to prepare. This means organizing help for yourself, having meals ready to go, stocking up on postpartum and hospital must-haves, and making sure you have time to rest. Don’t just focus on baby, you need to take care of your emotional, physical, and mental health too.

Organize your home and baby gear.

A little organization can go a long way when it comes to all the “stuff” you’ll accumulate. Create spaces in your home where everything has a place. From the nursery to the living room, everything needs to go somewhere suitable. Stock up on essentials like diapers, wipes, and baby clothes in easy-to-reach spots. An organized home will help keep your first few days feeling a bit less chaotic.

You’ve got this, mama and we’re here for all your pumping needs!

Motherhood is a journey full of surprises, but with a bit of preparation and advice from one mama to another, you’ll absolutely nail it. Trust yourself, embrace the journey, and remember: you’ve got this! Good luck, mama!